Welcome to Traders Triangles

Meet our expert

As "Traders Triangles" CEO, Ayush is in charge of the company's operations and general growth. In addition, he manages digital growth, marketing, finance, and strategic planning. In a prior career, he covered all market elements as an active trader and an equities research analyst before making his debut as an entrepreneur.

Upcoming events

Webinar (Free Complete Intraday Trader Program) - Starting From January



Simple way to understand the market

Understanding the stock market is easier when you know its purpose, audience, and operations. We can help simplify it for you.

Email support for students

Please feel free to send us your questions in detail through email.

Hand hold learning

Since enrolling in a course requires a significant financial commitment, we aim to ensure that you get the most out of your investment.

Demat account for benefits

Get free trading advice and a discount to attend our next training courses when you open an account.

Live Trading

Students can participate in a live trading session to enhance their understanding of the market.

Mentoring Community

An effective way for students to learn and grow together is through the Mentoring Community, where both new and experienced students can connect with each other.